Thursday, December 24, 2009

Few and Far Between

Again there is soooo much on my mind and sooo much in my life has changed. Most at this point for the better. I am really for truly divorcing Austin....the first part of papers went to the court house this week. Looking at my last post I guess it was just 2 weeks after that when I got together with Chance.  I have liked this guy for a LOOOONNNGGGG time. And it took me forever it seems to get the guts to say how I felt. Now that I told him I can really never go back (and I don't ever want to). He makes me so happy. In my worst moments all it takes to make me feel better is to have him next to me. There is so much that we know about each other that most things any more go without saying or at least it seems that way. And we're at that point when you can just tell when something isn't quite right. I don't think I have ever been so happy in love in my whole life and that is so incredibly scary to me. I am also so attached to his little girl.....what a sweetheart!! And he is so great in helping me to deal with my kids. Every day he amazes me and I am so thankful he is in my life. I have also because of him met so many people I am so glad to call my friends now!!! This Christmas has been difficult for me. I had a major breaking point and physically drained myself. It's been so bad cuz I barely get to being able to handle daily life then something comes up and down I go again. And now the only downfall in my life is something is going on with my well......i don't know what to call her.......she was my best friend. Now I guess to me she's just Chance's sister. Anyways it's been entirely more drama then this girl can take. Life is hard enough on me these days. But anyways I gotta get off here mood is going to shit too fast. Happy Holidays to all of you.......and don't ever let anyone kill your christmas spirit.....there is NO ONE worth that!!!!